
500+ Best Poetry love Quotes | Quotes about poetry

Each word bears its weight, so you have to read my poems quite slowly. -Anne Stevenson
We all write poems it is simply that poets are the ones who write in words. -John Fowles
There’ll always be working people in my poems because I grew up with them, and I am a poet of memory. -Philip Levine
Poets are soldiers that liberate words from the steadfast possession of definition. -Eli Khamarov
You don’t make a poem with ideas, but with words. -Stephane Mallarme
A poem might be defined as thinking about feelings – about human feelings and frailties. -Anne Stevenson
Poetry is the revelation of a feeling that the poet believes to be interior and personal which the reader recognizes as his own. -Salvatore Quasimodo

Quotes on poetry

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Usually a life turned into a poem is misrepresented. -Mark Strand
Pain is filtered in a poem so that it becomes finally, in the end, pleasure. -Mark Strand
Sometimes poetry is inspired by the conversation entered into by reading other poems. -John Barton
I still read Donne, particularly his love poems. -Carol Ann Duffy
I like poems that are little games. -Peter Davison
Poetry is the art of creating imaginary gardens with real toads. -Marianne Moore
The novel is born of disillusionment the poem, of despair. -Jose Bergamin
Everyone thinks they’re going to write one book of poems or one novel. -Marilyn Hacker
If you read quickly to get through a poem to what it means, you have missed the body of the poem. -M. H. Abrams

Best Poetry love Quotes | Quotes about poetry

The poem is a little myth of man’s capacity of making life meaningful. And in the end, the poem is not a thing we see-it is, rather, a light by which we may see-and what we see is life. -Robert Penn Warren
The poet may be used as a barometer, but let us not forget that he is also part of the weather. -Lionel Trilling
As things are, and as fundamentally they must always be, poetry is not a career, but a mug’s game. No honest poet can ever feel quite sure of the permanent value of what he has written: He may have wasted his time and messed up his life for nothing. -T. S. Eliot
The drama is complete poetry. The ode and the epic contain it only in germ it contains both of them in a state of high development, and epitomizes both. -Victor Hugo
Rhyme, that enslaved queen, that supreme charm of our poetry, that creator of our meter. -Victor Hugo
Love is the poetry of the senses. -Honore de Balzac
Quotes on poetry
The true spirit of delight, the exaltation, the sense of being more than Man, which is the touchstone of the highest excellence, is to be found in mathematics as surely as poetry. -Bertrand Russell
Every age has its own poetry in every age the circumstances of history choose a nation, a race, a class to take up the torch by creating situations that can be expressed or transcended only through poetry. -Jean-Paul Sartre
Poetry Quotes- It is time to get drunk! So as not to be the martyred slaves of Time, get drunk get drunk without stopping! On wine, on poetry, or on virtue, as you wish. -Charles Baudelaire
Poetry has done enough when it charms, but prose must also convince. -H. L. Mencken
Poetry may make us from time to time a little more aware of the deeper, unnamed feelings which form the substratum of our being, to which we rarely penetrate for our lives are mostly a constant evasion of ourselves. -T. S. Eliot
If I read a book and it makes my whole body so cold no fire can ever warm me, I know that is poetry. -Emily Dickinson
Science arose from poetry… when times change the two can meet again on a higher level as friends. -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Best Poetry love Quotes | Quotes about poetry

Superstition is the poetry of life. -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Some people go to priests others to poetry I to my friends. -Virginia Woolf
The beauty, the poetry of the fear in their eyes. I didn’t mind going to jail for, what, five, six hours? It was absolutely worth it. -Johnny Depp
Personality is everything in art and poetry. -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
With me poetry has not been a purpose, but a passion. -Edgar Allan Poe
It’s not easy to define poetry. -Bob Dylan
I would define, in brief, the poetry of words as the rhythmical creation of Beauty. -Edgar Allan Poe
Poetry is a way of taking life by the throat. -Robert Frost
Poetry is about the grief. Politics is about the grievance. -Robert Frost

3. Quotes on poetry

Wine is bottled poetry. -Robert Louis Stevenson
I don’t think I’ve ever read poetry, ever. -Eminem
I think that there is nothing, not even crime, more opposed to poetry, to philosophy, ay, to life itself than this incessant business. -Henry David Thoreau
Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular. -Aristotle

Poetry love quotes

Best Poetry love Quotes | Quotes about poetry

Hence poetry is something more philosophic and of graver import than history, since its statements are rather of the nature of universals, whereas those of history are singulars. -Aristotle
I read poetry to save time. -Marilyn Monroe
Listen, real poetry doesn’t say anything it just ticks off the possibilities. Opens all doors. You can walk through anyone that suits you.- Jim Morrison
I decided that it was not wisdom that enabled poets to write their poetry, but a kind of instinct or inspiration, such as you find in seers and prophets who deliver all their sublime messages without knowing in the least what they mean. -Socrates
If my poetry aims to achieve anything, it’s to deliver people from the limited ways in which they see and feel. -Jim Morrison

Best Poetry love Quotes | Quotes about poetry

Nobody, I think, ought to read poetry, or look at pictures or statues, who cannot find a great deal more in them than the poet or artist has actually expressed. Their highest merit is suggestiveness. -Nathaniel Hawthorne
I’ve written some poetry I don’t understand myself. -Carl Sandburg
We read Robert Browning’s poetry. Here we needed no guidance from the professor: the poems themselves were enough. -Carl Sandburg
Poetry is something to make us wiser and better, by continually revealing those types of beauty and truth, which God has set in all men’s souls. -James Russell Lowell
Poetry is the one place where people can speak their original human mind. It is the outlet for people to say in public what is known in private. -Allen Ginsberg
Real friendship, like real poetry, is extremely rare – and precious as a pearl. -Tahar Ben Jelloun
We especially need imagination in science. It is not all mathematics, nor all logic, but it is somewhat beauty and poetry. -Maria Montessori
It’s bad poetry executed by people that can’t sing. That’s my definition of Rap. -Peter Steele
The gross heathenism of civilization has generally destroyed nature, and poetry, and all that is spiritual. -John Muir
A man of eighty has outlived probably three new schools of painting, two of architecture and poetry and a hundred in dress. -Lord Byron
The greatest thing a human soul ever does in this world… to see clearly is poetry, prophecy and religion all in one. -John Ruskin
It is the hour to be drunken! to escape being the martyred slaves of time, be ceaselessly drunk. On wine, on poetry, or on virtue, as you wish. -Charles Baudelaire
We make out of the quarrel with others, rhetoric, but of the quarrel with ourselves, poetry. -William Butler Yeats
Poetry love quotes
Ye stars! which are the poetry of heaven! -Lord Byron
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